Pieter Obels – 2019

Pieter Obels is a Dutch sculptor born in 1968. He studied at the Academy of Art in Tilburg. Obels first experimented different materials for his work and after some years settled for steel, which allowed him to express his ideas best.

Pieter Obels explains “I don’t start off with a real plan when I embark upon a new sculpture. My works come about spontaneously, as the result of improvisation. I transform the rigid corten steel into graceful and bold sculptures. I submit the raw material to what I want to express visually. I make it dance and move without a set rhythm. In the same way, you have to experience my work through your own movement and discover the sculpture from various angles and aspects. That is how you can best feel the movement of the steel.”

Obels’ sculptures can be found in many private and public collections around the world.

Three of his sculptures are installed in our garden since 2019.